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Contact Us

This page shows a number of ways that you can contact us, including our mailing address and contact information. If you would like to send us an email, please complete the form at the bottom of the page and click the "Send Email" button.

Network Info

Official Address
2222 S. Park Street
MadisonWI  53713
United States of America
Phone Number
(608) 729-1200
Fax Number
(608) 729-1205

Network Contacts

Kayla Conklin
(815) 451-8365
Membership Chair
Deja S Mason

Send Us an Email


The ULGM YP is a program of the Urban League of Greater Madison.

To learn more about ULGM:

(608) 729-1200

The National Urban League Young Professionals is a volunteer auxiliary that supports local Urban League affiliates through volunteerism, philanthropy, and development of its members. Learn more: