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RAMP Program

Retaining, Advancing, & Mentoring Young Professionals

RAMP Mission Statement:

The mission of the Retaining Advancing and Mentoring Young Professionals (RAMP) is to ensure that Black Americans and other community members in the greater Madison area have opportunities for upward mobility in their careers via a mentoring program.

RAMP Overview:

Thanks to a generous grant from the Oscar Rennebohm Foundation, the Urban League of Greater Madison launched a new effort aimed at helping more Black Americans and other persons of color advance to the next step in their professional careers. RAMP is building on two critical elements within the existing Urban League infrastructure. First, it is leveraging the Urban League’s long-standing workforce development experience and programming which has successfully helped over 1,000 job seekers secure entry-level jobs over the last few years. Second, it is utilizing the ULGM Young Professionals Network as the platform to engage more Black American young professionals and serve as the backbone for RAMP.

Why join RAMP?

RAMP participants can expect the following benefits:

  • One-on-one mentorship focusing on leadership and career development
  • Social and networking opportunities with other young professionals in the Greater Madison Community
  • Opportunities for servant leadership philanthropy and community action
  • Career focused professional development opportunities

Key Program Elements/Expectations

RAMP is a 6-month mentorship and professional development experience, offered through 4 cohorts over the course of the year. Each cohort will engage 10-15 young professionals in mentorship and professional development through the following program elements:

  • In-person program kick-off and graduation events
  • Biweekly in-person or virtual meetings with a mentor
  • At least 3 in-person professional development workshops
  • 1 community service project (either in small groups or as a whole cohort)
  • Social and networking events

How to join RAMP?

Interested in joining RAMP as a mentee? Take the first step today by completing our Mentee Interest Form!

Interested in mentoring young professionals in the Greater Madison area? Let us know by completing our Mentor Interest Form!

For additional program information, please contact Percy Brown, Jr. at

The ULGM YP is a program of the Urban League of Greater Madison.

To learn more about ULGM:

(608) 729-1200

The National Urban League Young Professionals is a volunteer auxiliary that supports local Urban League affiliates through volunteerism, philanthropy, and development of its members. Learn more: